2020 Motion Juried Exhibit
Best in Show
Leap Year by Patricia Calder
After twelve productive and successful years the Board has decided the 2024 festival was the SPARK Photo Festival finale.
The mission of SPARK was to celebrate photography and the artists and enthusiasts behind the camera lens. The Festival introduced accessibility for photographers to have venues to display their art and for the audience to discover it. Right here in our region tens of thousands of visitors experienced printed and digital photography from hundreds of local photographers. Exhibits were mounted in traditional galleries and studios, and also in unexpected places such as shops, cafes, libraries, community centres, and even in the great outdoors.
The Festival’s “open call” format welcomed all photographers, including first-time exhibitors, students, avid hobbyists, seasoned professionals and community groups. Along with workshops, educational opportunities and presentations, SPARK curated many Showcase and special exhibits focusing on image collections such as Peterborough Then & Now, Canada 150 Celebrate at Home: Our Peterborough and Balsillie Collection of Roy Studio Images. The Juried Exhibit drew entries from talented photographers from across the province culminating in a spectacular show of the best images as determined by the jury. The annual competition was highly anticipated by photographers and festival visitors alike.
Like many arts and cultural efforts today, SPARK has encountered financial pressures that do not appear to be resolvable over the next few years. Instead of potentially entering negative cash flow territory, the SPARK Board decided it would be preferable to exit following a strong run of eleven successful festivals.
The SPARK Photo Festival was made possible, first and foremost, by the dedication, enthusiasm and talent of participating photographers. SPARK is also grateful for the essential contributions of the SPARK founders, Board members and volunteers, sponsors, funders, donors and patrons, supporting partners, suppliers, local media, other arts organizations and all who opened their doors (and walls) as host venues to SPARK exhibits.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who came out over these twelve years to celebrate photography.
Our social media pages will remain up through the end of 2024 and there may just be announcements from time to time so do stay in touch.
SPARK Photo Festival Board Chair, Ken Powell,
the Board of Directors and
Festival Director Jennifer MacKenzie
2024 Sponsors and Supporters
Thank you for making SPARK possible!
2024 Texture Juried Exhibit on YouTube
View the 2024 Texture Juried Exhibit as a slideshow on YouTube.